

This blog is now powered by ci and cd - part2

1 minute read Published:

It took me a few tries but finally this blog is fully powered by hugo and gitea with drones.io \o/

RiP HP Envy

1 minute read Published:

2 days ago I played around again with Debian on my laptop and finally had a working gpg setup with minimal efforts. But an old friend of mine also returned - instant shutdown without any warnings. So I deceided to do a firmware upgrade to the latest available - which bricked my BIOS. No hint out of google helped so I decided to get me a refurbished ThinkPad X230 from LUXNOTE which will arrive tomorrow - sadly on the day after my last night shift so it will take some time to set it up and see how it´s going.

This blog is now powered by ci and cd

1 minute read Published:

It took me a few tries but finally this blog is fully powered by hugo and gitlab (version control and CI/CD) \o/ One link that took me in the right direction

Have git use gpg2 for signing

1 minute read Published:

If you are using gpg2 instead of gpg then git will eventually throw an error about not being able to find your key or even the gpg binary. Just do a git config --global gpg.program gpg2 and add the following to your gitconfig [gpg] program = gpg2

New blog online

1 minute read Published:

Since I’ve not been using that much addons (apart from spam filter) and this blog is mostly a documentation bin for myself used for my daily/weekly/whatever findings/rants in/about the linux/windows world I decided to turn away from wordpress. Now I’m using vim and hugo to create and render a static blog - which is of course much faster than wordpress. I’m now using a git repo to track changes of this blog which is automatically built on the git server and rsync’ed to the webserver after a git push on my client.