

Good bye linux – hello (again) windows!

1 minute read Published:

After a recent apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade which also updated gpg-agent my smart cards (and therefore ssh auth for my servers) stopped to work. A ps aux|grep gpg-agent revealed that it´s now started with --supervised instead of the options given by me. Even a pkill gpg-agent and eval $(gpg-agent --options) didn´t help. A quick search in google found out that developers changed the start up but I did not want to dig any deeper and edit scripts or whatsoever again…

Debian stretch & gpg key card with ssh auth – the journey is over – finally?

1 minute read Published:

It looks like my journey to find a linux distribution where gpg and ssh authentication with a gpg smartcard works right out of the box is finally over. Thanks to Moritz Bartl from torservers.net who pointed me in the direction to Debian testing aka stretch. All I did was sudo aptitude install pcscd pcsc-tools gpgsm gnupg-agent scdaemon -y echo "use-agent" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf echo "enable-ssh-support" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf Commenting out use-ssh-agent in /etc/X11/Xsession.